
(208) 878-5464

Mount Harrison Heritage Foundation and Burley High School Announce Les Miserables.

Auditions for children, teens, and adults. Directed by Janie Hudgens and Dusty Fisher.

Auditions will be held in the Little Theater on Thursday November 14th, and Friday November 15th from 6pm-9pm. Also on Saturday November 16th from 9am-12pm.

Performance dates are February 20th – March 1st, 2014

Prepare a 1 minute singing selection that highlights your range and abilities. Please provide your own accompaniment. Piano and sound system available.

The 2012 Universal Pictures film is available at Redbox for review.

Contact Emails:

Hudgens at: hudjanie@cassiaschools.org

Fisher at: fisdougl@cassiaschools.org