

(208) 878-5464

Contracts & Fees


  • King Fine Arts Center Rental Contract

    Click to download the official King Fine Arts Center (KFAC) rental contract.

    Download: KFAC Contract 2022-23, 253.89 KB (Last Modified on June 7, 2022)

    Pg. 9-12 must be submitted to the KFAC Administration office, as well as proof of liability insurance as outlined on pg. 3 and a security deposit payable by cash or check, in order to secure KFAC facilities for an event.

    See Tickets & Seating for a layout of our auditorium seating and an overview of our available ticketing services (detailed below).


  • Event Security Deposit

    Reservations for the King Fine Arts Center – Concert Hall and King Fine Arts Center – Little Theatre require an initial one-time security deposit for the event based upon the renter’s tax-exemption status.

    Deposits are accepted as payment toward the final bill for events that occur without any damages to the facility.


Event organizers needing to reserve both the Concert Hall and Little Theatre will be required to submit a combined deposit in the appropriate amount for both venues.

Deposits are acceptable by cash or check. All deposits must be submitted to the KFAC administration office in person or via postal service.

King Fine Arts Center
Burley High School
2100 Parke Ave
Burley, ID 83318

Make all checks payable to the order of: Joint School District #151

*Non-profit and other tax-exempt parties will need to submit viable evidence of tax-exempt status, such as an official IRS tax-exempt determination letter, IRS Form 990, or other document declaring the renting party’s tax-exempt status under IRC 501(c)(3) or other federal policy.


The King Fine Arts Center requires 10.0% of gross income resulting from the sale of goods and merchandise at an event.


  • Billing

    Click to download the official KFAC billing spreadsheet.

    Download: KFAC Billing Spreadsheet, 89.45 KB (Last Modified May 27, 2022)

    Billing is compiled by the KFAC Administrative Assistant and approved by the KFAC Director within 10 business days following the conclusion of the event. Billing covers all costs within the King Fine Arts Center’s realm of service, including: facility rental, tech, labor, and cleaning.

    Items not normally listed on the billing spreadsheet may be added at the administration’s discretion as a result of unusual requests made by the renter. KFAC staff and crew can be flexible and creative within set protocols in order to meet the needs of the renting party but should not be expected to do so without appropriate compensation.

    Security deposits may be accepted as payment or partial-payment for events that conclude without any damages to the facility, and the renter would receive an invoice via email and/or post for the remaining balance.

    Invoices are payable via cash or check. All payments must be submitted to the KFAC administration office in person or via postal service.

    King Fine Arts Center
    Burley High School
    2100 Parke Ave
    Burley, ID 83318

    Make all checks payable to the order of: Joint School District #151

    If the deposit would, in fact, more than cover the total cost of the event, a check for the overage would be issued to the renter by the Cassia Joint School District via post on the next district billing day (the 15th and 30th of each month).

    Online Ticket Sales powered by Magic Valley Tickets (Evvnt)

    The King Fine Arts Center can facilitate online ticket sales through https://magicvalleytimesnews.evvnt.events/. In doing so, KFAC administration reserves the right to withdraw all incurring costs directly from the income collected through those sales.

    Online ticket sales resulting in remaining profits after all KFAC costs and fees have been satisfied are reported to the Fiscal Manager of Cassia Joint School District. A check for the overage would then be issued to the renting party via post on the next district billing day.

    Thanks to Magic Valley Tickets (Evvnt), the King Fine Arts Center is capable of distributing tickets for reserved seating, general seating, multi-day bundles, season passes, or even live-streaming. Prices may be set based on seating location, age group, etc. That said, there are limitations to what Magic Valley Tickets (Evvnt) allows us to do.

    Magic Valley Tickets (Evvnt) will not allow us to:

  • Create multi-day packages or season passes for reserved seating events. Package/season deals may only be applied to general seating.
  • Set prerequisites for use of a discount code. This is most applicable to multi-day events. We cannot require a person to buy tickets for one showing to get a discount on tickets for the next showing. Buy 1 Get 1 discounts and the like are also impossible.
    *A “large-group” discount of sorts can be created where a minimum number of tickets is required (ex. 10 or more) for purchase, but these would be created as a separate ticket type – not a discount code.
  • Create single-use discount codes. We are unable to create discount codes that immediately expire after being applied one time. We can only create a time frame in which that code is valid, but it can be applied an infinite number of times within that period.
  • Create multi-day live-stream events. Tickets for live-stream events may only be applied to one showing at a time. Each showing of a live-stream must be set up as a completely separate event.

King Fine Arts Center – Office of Administration

D. "Dusty" Fisher

Executive Director

Mr. Fisher primarily teaches Choir at Burley High School in addition to his role as Director of the King Fine Arts Center. He also teaches classes related to tech theatre, in which he trains a select group of students on lighting, audio, and backstage operations. These students make up the majority of the KFAC’s operating staff and crew.

With a Masters in Conducting from the Eastman School of Music, Mr. Fisher is primarily a music specialist; however, he has extensive experience in tech theatre as well as set building and visual art.

Mr. Fisher is dedicated to building the King Fine Arts Center up as a high-level performance venue and making it a “MUST-STOP” for touring artists and other big name talents. During his tenure, the KFAC will have housed performances by VoicePlay, David Archuleta, BYU Men’s Chorus, Nathan Pacheco, and Eli Young Band, with undoubtedly more to come.

Ginger Armstrong

Administrative Assistant

Ms. Armstrong is the King Fine Arts Center’s primary contact with the public. She acts as the KFAC’s Event Manager, Financial Clerk, Human Resource specialist, and even Acting KFAC Director in Mr. Fisher’s absence. Ginger is the “right arm” of the Executive Director.

For inquiries regarding KFAC availability and billing, Ms. Armstrong is the point-of-contact. She has a fixed office schedule during the active school year. Phone calls to 208-878-5464 can be readily answered during these office hours.

Mon-Fri: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM MDT

Office hours during the summer months are by appointment only. Appointments may be made by contacting our administration by email kfac@cassiaschools.org

Ashley Ludlow

Digital Media & Technology Assistant

Mrs. Ludlow supports the King Fine Arts Center with all of its Digital Media and Technology needs. She maintains the website and social media presence for the KFAC.

For comments, questions, or feedback, please email kfac@cassiaschools.org

Contact Us

2100 Parke Ave Burley, ID 83318

Visit us during office hours!


Call for inquiries!


Make an inquiry or set an appointment!